Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ok, but first let me ...

Lord, let me go first and bury my father...
Let the dead bury their dead.

First, let me say goodbye to my family at home ...

No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.

I imagine Jesus shaking His head ever so slightly as he watched each of those men struggle with the decision staring them in the face.

And to be honest, I've always taken this passage from Luke at a symbolic level - that we cannot focus on following our Lord if we are concerned with worldly things.

But today I read it literally.

Burying one's father and saying goodbye to one's family are two pretty big things, aren't they? And Jesus still told them to pass and follow Him.

It's not like they said, "Let me just watch this show I TiVo-ed," or "I have reservations at this great restaurant tonight - can I meet up with you after dinner?"

Which makes me wonder how hard our Lord is shaking His head at the choices I make each day.

I pray I haven't given Him whiplash.

God Bless.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Q & A

"Who do you say I am?"

Jesus asked.

Peter answered Him.

I've read that passage many times, but I just realized it is as relevant today as it was 2000 years ago.

The truth is, there are thousands of people in the world today asking themselves, their family, God - or anyone who will listen - who Jesus is.

Maybe they were never taught. Maybe they forgot. Or maybe they just have a hard time understanding.

They need someone to "pull a Peter", and give them the answer.

I'd love to do it.

So does anyone have any ideas how to reach them?

Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there. God Bless.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A New Trend

How many times have you seen the ol' point-to-the-sky-to-thank-God-for-my-goal/homerun/basket in sports?

Or how many times have you seen a player make the sign of the cross endless times before he starts a game, begging God to help him do well?

I have to admit, as much as I love sports, I'm always a bit disappointed when I see these gestures.

Don't get me wrong, I think its great that these athletes are thinking about God, and hopefully thanking Him for their talents.

But I wonder if those same people make the sign of the cross as they walk past homeless people.

Or point to the sky every time they see God working one of His many miracles here on Earth.

You know, for things that really matter.

I know I don't.

But I might from now on.

God Bless.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Tale of Two Sundays

It's Sunday.
It's Sunday.

I got up, ate breakfast, and got dressed for Mass.
I got up and decided if I could muster up enough courage to attend Mass this week.

I was running a bit late when I got into my car, and prayed there wouldn't be too much traffic.
I started my trek, and prayed no one set flames to my Church overnight.

I parked the car, and walked quickly into the Church, hoping to get a good seat.
I took a quick look around the Church before I entered, making sure no persecutors were waiting.

I sat down, and was happy that the air conditioning was working this week.
I was happy the 3 men that hung my friend upside-down and beat him for hours last week before Mass weren't there this time.

I was excited to see my favorite priest was celebrating the Mass today.
I was excited to see our priest was still alive and made it to Mass today.

I enjoyed reflecting on today's Gospel with my friends after Mass in the Narthex.
I rushed home before anyone saw me, and met secretly with a few friends to pray.

I feel Peace and Joy when I spend time in Church with God.
I feel Peace and Joy when I spend time in Church with God.

I live in the United States of America.
I live in the Middle East.

Pope Benedict made an appeal yesterday for Christians living in the Middle East. Please take some time and pray, not only for their continued courage, but for Peace in the Middle East and elsewhere.

God Bless.