And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever. - John 14:16
I learned something new recently about this encouraging statement by our Savior.
When I have read this passage before, I have always interpreted it as God was going to send us a different Entity. Meaning, Jesus was there at that moment He was speaking to the disciples, and then God was going to send the Holy Spirit .... Someone very different than Jesus. Why else would he say "another"?
That interpretation was in conflict with my belief in the Trinity, of course, and so there was a bit of an irreconcilable difference in my head.
Until I learned a little Greek, that is!
The English language has multiple definitions for another. For example, a restaurant might tell you "Sorry, we are booked this evening ... please come back another day." In that scenario another means a completely different day. In contrast, one might say "That was delicious, I'll have another piece of that cake, please!" In that scenario, another means more of the same.
Well, the Greek language uses two different words. Allos, meaning the same kind, and heteros, meaning a different kind.
The Greek word used in John's passage above is allos. Thus, Jesus is telling his disciples the Lord is sending another Helper just like him. The Third Person in the Trinity!
God Bless you, and prayers that the Holy Spirit continues to strengthen us.