I just finished reading a short book by Jim Bishop called The Day Christ was Born. In it, Bishop gives a biblically true recap of the events leading up to, and the people associated with, the birth of Christ. However, he adds a lot of detail and depth to the book that make you feel like you are reading an eyewitness account of that day. It's a quick read and really helped me focus on the true meaning of this Season.
It also helped me reflect on how both Mary and Joseph trusted in God from the very beginning. Did you ever stop and think about how much faith they had? I know I take it for granted.
They believed in the Immaculate Conception. (Could you imagine if your spouse went away for months and came back pregnant?)
They believed that their Son was to be the Messiah. (Remember, at the time everyone probably expected the Messiah to be born into royalty and power.)
They trusted God when he told then to go to Egypt - a foreign land to them - until Herod was dead. (Imagine traveling ... check that ... walking through a desert ... to a country where you do not know anyone, don't speak the language, and don't have a job lined up.)
These are certainly not small leaps of faith! And they serve as model examples for how we should lead our lives. Always trusting in our Father.
God Bless.
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