The next time I find myself complaining about doing some sort of physical task, I will remind myself that there are plenty of people in this world who have debilitating injuries and would love to be able to fold laundry or mow a lawn.
The next time I wonder if I can squeeze a call to a friend or family member into my busy schedule, I will remind myself that there is a chance that person might not be around tomorrow.
The next time I think about putting in an extra hour in at the office, I will remember that no one, when on their deathbed, ever wishes they spent just one more hour working.
I will also remember that, when on that same bed, no one ever wishes for more money. They wish for more time.
The next time I feel hungry, I will remind myself that there are people in this world that wonder if they will eat at all today. Or even this week.
The next time I get annoyed that I have to fix something in my house, I will remember that some people only have a cardboard box between them and the elements. And 20 degree air hurts.
The next time I wonder how long mass is going to run, I will remind myself that there are many people on this earth that fear for their lives every time they step into a church. And they go anyway.
The next time I find myself whispering a hymn at that same mass, I will remind myself of this gentleman.
The next time I think I have a difficult decision to make I will remind myself about the decision Mary and Joseph had to make, the decision the Apostles had to make, and the decision Jesus had to make.
The next time I wonder if I can really do something to promote God's Kingdom, I will remind myself what a few fishermen and tax collectors did. Many without an education. Or the internet.
The next time I feel nervous about anything, I will remind myself what Jesus must have felt like at the Last Supper.
And the next time I wonder how much God really loves me, I will remind myself to look at the nearest crucifix.
God Bless.
God bless you, I wish we could always do this.
These are all very good reminders Michael. We all have so many things to be grateful for but sometimes we see our cup as half empty instead of looking at it as half full. This post reminds me that every day is a blessing.
I need to be reminded of these things often! But the last one is so important to remember. If I ever feel that I am not loved, I just need to look at a crucifix~there is no greater love.
Great post and like your blog~Thanks!
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