Jesus is among us every day.
What choices do you make?
(Michael reads his post)
In today's Passion reading, Luke recounts one of my favorite moments in the New Testament.
While Matthew, Mark and John mention that two thieves are crucified with Jesus, only Luke tells us about Dismas' (the good thief) request.
Dismas led a life of sin, and as such, was sentenced to die in one of the cruelest ways possible. But as fortune would have it, he just happened to be crucified right next to the Savior of the world. He had a few hours - a tiny fraction of his life - to make a decision that would last for eternity.
He chose to repent. To believe. To follow Jesus.
And in doing so, he saved his soul.
Gestas, the other thief, makes no such request of Christ.
He had the same chance.
He was right there next to Jesus.
All he had to do was ask.
But he didn't. He made a terrible decision.
Every time I read this passage I want to shout out to him ..."Are you nuts? Don't you know that is the Son of God right next to you! Please, just ask Him to remember you!"
(confidently) I mean, if I was right next to Jesus I would certainly know it. I would make the right choice every time.
(slightly less confidently) Yup, I would.
(much quieter and much less confidently) I would, right?
(scene fades with Michael looking in mirror)
Great post. It is easy to say that I would recognize Jesus if He were next to me, but my past and even sometimes my present tells me something else. Thanks for that mirror~ I need to look in it too.
Have a Blessed Holy Week and a Joyous Easter!
Sadly many people see Jesus amongst us every day and do not recognise Him.
He is hungry but they do not feed Him, He is naked yet they do not clothe Him, He is ill or in jail yet they do not visit Him. He looks like Lazarus at their gate; but they are busy counting their riches.
God bless you Michael for this wonderful post.
We don't see Him in others ... we don't see Him in ourselves! We don't see Him in this incredible world He created. In short, we have eyes, but we don't SEE!
Michael you write the most inspiring and thought provoking posts. All of us think what we would do in any given situation but when the time comes do we. Jesus comes to us in the wants and needs of others. Do we stop and help? Are we afraid? Do we say we don't have the time? Do we want to get involved? When someone speaks to us from the heart do we really listen? Those are just some of the things that come to mind. Some people wander through life with a cold heart. I hope I will be up to each challange presented to me. I pray I will know Jesus and not turn away like the man on the cross
did. I hope you have a truly blessed and special Easter Michael. Thank you for all of your posts.
"Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom" That song gives me chills! St. Dismas was so smart to recognize our Lord! It is a blessing to pray his words.
I echo Anne's comment. " Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom".
Beautiful reflection.
Absolutely inspiring post - as always. Thank you, Michael, and God bless you!
I can't count the times I have turned away from Jesus, not recognizing Him, not acknowledging Him. Remember to start the Divine Mercy novena tomorrow, to end on Mercy Sunday.
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