Saturday, April 2, 2011

The 2011 Bible

Do you ever find yourself shaking your head at people in the Bible?

I do all the time.

I shake my head at the people around Jesus for taking so long to realize who He was and what He was sent to do ... even though He gave them all the answers. 

I shake my head at the people who condemned Jesus despite all the good He was doing among them.

I shake my head at those who refused to believe Him - like some of those in today's Gospel that did not believe He gave sight to the blind man.

I shake my head at those who did not listen to Him, those that did not thank Him, and those that just couldn't be bothered with Him.

And then I remind myself that the Bible is a compilation of specific events that are pulled - and highlighted - from the rest of daily life.  

So I can only imagine what the 2011 Bible would look like, had the Evangelists written about specific events from my life and the world we live in now ...

John 148:29   "Despite the poor and suffering in his own town, Michael sat on his couch and watched a mindless FBI TV drama.  Others watched a show about twenty somethings worrying about how good their tan looked.  And still others, a show about rich women arguing over what to serve at their cocktail party."

Mark 79:1  "The Bible sat on Michael's coffee table while he read the latest issue of Sports Illustrated.  Worse yet (but not much), many people in that town did not even own a copy of this Blessed book.  The Word of God was among them to read, and they looked the other way."

Luke 100:3-8  "... Jesus suffered greatly so that sinners could be forgiven.  And yet Michael grumbled through one day of fasting, and was only half focused as he prayed the Rosary ...."

I can just imagine how badly future generations will be shaking their head at me...

God Bless.


Shirley said...

I look around me and see those who know Him not... I look within me and see that I know Him not...
How easy it is to lose ourselves in our daily life and not remember the Holy Presence of God.

none said...

Clever post! We must take the log out of our own eye. :)
My prayer each day is to be more mindful of God throughout the day so I may make the right choices...

the booklady said...

Someone told me once that until we can look at every sin in the Bible and see ourselves committing that sin, we don't understand the Bible. It truly is... 'there but for the grace of God' that we go.

Thanks for the reminder Michael!

God bless!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

This is a great post Michael. I agree with your sentiments entirely. That's why I wrote my book about how people would react if they were told Jesus was here, right now in our times, and had been seen by children many times.

God bless you for this message.

Anonymous said...

Wow Michael, great thoughts. It's so easy to look at others, isn't it? You make some wonderful points.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Greetings Michael,

You have been tagged on my Blog here:

Please visit the link. Thanx.

God bless.

Daily Grace said...

Wow, this is really great! When we personalize the Bible stories and situations it can really call us to conscious can't it!

God bless

Sarah said...

I love your "scripture references." I think you captured our current society quite nicely.

Mine would probably be:

Matthew 102:11: "And Sarah sat at her computer blogging about Jesus instead of actually spending time with him."

Michael said...

Shirley - You are so right!
Jade - I join you in that same prayer!
Booklady- I had never heard that before, but I will certainly try from now on.
Victor - thanks for the comments and for the tag. I am contemplating my responses...
Andie - Unfortunately it is all too easy to do ...
DG - Be thankful I didn't write more entries from that book!
Sarah - Lol - yes, I suppose I could add that one too!

Thank you all for your comments. I hope you are having a Blessed Lent...