(Continuing to share the short Stations of the Cross reflections we had at my church...
The style of these reflections is that we imagine what Jesus might say at each station, and then reply with what we should say. The following is the reflection that accompanied Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross:)
Jesus says:
The sacrifice is done.
Yes, my Mass is complete;
but not my mother's
and not yours, my other self.
My mother still must cradle in her arms
the lifeless body of the son she bore.
You, too, must part from those you love,
and grief will come to you.
In your bereavements think of this:
A multitude of souls were saved
by Mary's sharing in my Calvary.
Your grief can also be the price of souls.
I reply:
I beg you, Lord,
help me accept the partings that must come -
from friends who go away,
children leaving home,
and most of all,
my dear ones
when you shall call them to yourself.
Then, give me grace to say:
"As it has pleased you, Lord,
to take them home,
I bow to your most holy will.
And if by just one word
I might restore their lives
against your will,
I would not speak."
Grant them eternal joy.
I hope you have a Blessed Triduum.
This is very touching and consoling, especially to those who have lost loved ones recently.
Thank you Michael.
God bless you for your insight.
Death takes us from this world to the next- always pray for your departed loved ones. I have a little prayer I say - Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I place my soul in your hands.
How beautiful it would be to have Mary to wrap her loving arms around us at our death.
Thank you, Michael. This is beautiful. May you have a Blessed Triduum as well.
These meditations are very beautiful, Michael. Thank you and have a Blessed Triduum!
Thank you everyone for your kind and comforting words. God bless you!
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