Apparently there are rules to accepting this award and they are:
1) Put the Lemonade Award logo on your blog or post.
2) Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude.
3) Link to your nominees within your post.
4) Let the nominees know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5) Share the love and link to the person from whom you received your award.
That being said, I am passing this award onto the following Blessed Blogs - in no particular order (note: descriptions of blogs are in my words, not the owner's)
1) Happy to be Catholic: A wonderful blog - I learn (and remember) so much by spending time here. Very well written to boot.
2) Charli and Me: The first word that comes to mind when I think of Carol's blog is "happy". Her posts mix the everyday with the Holy and never fail to make me smile.
3) My Catholic Oasis: Anne has such love for Christ, and her posts are so heartfelt, that she always inspires me.
4) Simply Catholic: Darcee posts her thoughts on daily life with a Catholic lens. I enjoy reflecting on her posts.
5) Happy Catholic: Julie's blog is very informative, and mixes fact, with photo, with humor.
6) OSV Daily Take: This is where I go to get my Catholic news fix. The team there does a great job of passing it on (and providing some great perspective on it)
Of course, I would add Booklady to that list as well. My list of Spiritual books to read grows exponentially thanks to her!
May God Bless all of you - keep spreading His word!
Thank you so much for this award and for thinking of my blog when passing along this award. And thank you for the nice comment about my blog. This is my first award I've gotten for my Catholic blog. Happy Lord's Day!
Thank you so much Michael. This was so sweet. I enjoy your blog very much and I'm very glad I found it. I will post my award this week. I hope you have a lovely and blessed day!
This was such a wonderful surprise! I am so touched by your kind words, and am honored because I am the one who is always inspired by your wonderful blog. Thank you, my friend.
Hi Michael, thank you for the award and the kind words.
I am going to have to put some thought into this one ... more later. :-)
Thank YOU Michael! I look forward to checking out these great blogs you've recommended!
Thank you Michael,
I know I am terribly late in responding, but it really means a lot that you thought of me. God Bless.
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