Monday, May 31, 2010

It Happens in a Blink

I wasn't quite sure what to write about this Memorial Day Weekend.

I wanted to acknowledge the sacrifices that many people made for our freedoms, but keep it motivational for our faith.

Then God presented me with this song. I heard it for the first time as I was staring at my blank computer screen...

(The line that really made me stop was "What is it I've done with my life .... it happens in a Blink")

Those that died for our freedom did something great with their lives.

This song really made me think about my own ...

God Bless, and have a wonderful Memorial Day.


Unknown said...

Thanks for this one Michael. I heard this song for the first time a few weeks ago and it made me think as well. It is a thoughtful tribute for this Memorial Day. Those men and women answered God's call in serving our country, may we also answer His call in our own lives in whatever way He has planned for us to serve Him and others.
God Bless!

the booklady said...

It's very appropriate for Memorial Day Michael because it makes you think about their sacrifice. I'd never heard it but I like it very much! Thank you!

God bless our wonderful country and all who died to give and protect the freedom we now enjoy!

Happy Memorial Day!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Michael. I have not heard this song either and it is so true of life. Only God knows the day we are called home. I wound hate to think my life was wasted. We need to make the best of every single moment. Young men and women have given so much so we can enjoy the freedoms we have today. This post makes me think of all of them.