Those of you that read this post of mine from a while back, know that I wish I could sing.
If I could, then I would be able to proclaim wonderful messages like this one and disguise them in a catchy little song.
(It would sound so much convincing than than me saying "God has a plan for all of us - you just have to trust Him.")
And if you want to hear the inspiration to the song, watch this video on Josh Wilson's Facebook page (you don't have to be a member to watch).
There is an absolutely amazing line from the interview there that I wish I came up with on my own:
If we can trust God with our Eternity, we can certainly trust Him with our now.
Hmmm ... maybe that will be the title of my first album someday ...
God Bless.
I'll be the first to buy your album, Michael, as long as it has Minnie the Moocher on it LOL
Been thinking about that quote, too. Not a new insight but it's great to hear it again in a different way every so often. Thanks.
Thanks for this Michael. I love this song and actually have it on my playlist~great message. Thanks too for stopping by my blog earlier.
One last thing- maybe you and Christopher should get together and put out an album :)
God Bless!
I sing so well the neighbours have broken all our windows in order to hear me better.
I used to sing in the choir in church. One Sunday I was missing and everyone thought they had finally tuned the piano.
I'm still in the choir though. I now just mime the hymns. I've been told my voice gives God a headache.
The actual words were: "Don't sing so loud Vic. They've run out of aspirin in Heaven!"
God bless.
Victor: Badabing! LOL!!!
Thank you folks, Victor will be here all night ...
Christopher: Glad you liked it. And double glad I can put you down for an album. Hidehidehi ....
Karinann: Thanks for the comment ... I would welcome Christopher on my album. After all, I need someone to sing while I hit the triangle ...
Victor: Hey now - don't go upstaging my post with all that humor. (But thanks for the laughs - I might have to steal one or two of those!)
I loved the song and especially loved the video where his inspiration came from. Thank you so much for this post. I have already e-mailed a video link to some of my family and friends.
Soooo beautiful it gave me chills. Thanks so much for this!
What beautiful lyrics!
Michael and Victor: just sing with your hearts ... it's just as beautiful! ;)
Our choir director always says, "God gave you that voice. Either He wants to hear it or He deserves to hear it!"
I'm afraid I fall in the latter category. :(
Michael and Victor, maybe we should all get together and make some really holy NOISE!
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