If I could ask God one question, it would be to know the fate of the soul of my sister Sharron, who died suddenly at the age of 16.
How can you continue to love and forgive when we don't really deserve it?
Why are we so stubborn?
Oh my gosh Michael. I just posted on this question an hour ago because I asked about 70 8th graders the same thing. I really never thought of what my question would be. Maybe it would be just 'why?' Andie
Shirley - I'm so sorry that that happened to your sister. Victor, DG, Andie - All good questions - I enjoyed reading them!
Why are we humans so cruel to each other when we all hunger after love so much?
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If I could ask God one question, it would be to know the fate of the soul of my sister Sharron, who died suddenly at the age of 16.
How can you continue to love and forgive when we don't really deserve it?
Why are we so stubborn?
Oh my gosh Michael. I just posted on this question an hour ago because I asked about 70 8th graders the same thing. I really never thought of what my question would be. Maybe it would be just 'why?'
Shirley - I'm so sorry that that happened to your sister.
Victor, DG, Andie - All good questions - I enjoyed reading them!
Why are we humans so cruel to each other when we all hunger after love so much?
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